Institute of Physics and Technology
It is the use of modern mathematical apparatus for solving applied problems – in economics, space research, information protection etc. Specialists can create modern mathematical methods and technologies of computer processing of information. In IPT they get a strong course of computer training – system overview of all types of computer software , programming languages С++, Java, object-oriented programming, programming of web-additions, system programming, modern technologies of programming (cloud computations, GRID, …), operating systems, data bases, computer networks, providing of quality of programme means, administration of IT – structures, programming of programme systems, …. All subjects are tried and tested at computer practical works. IT-technologies often alter, but the lecturers of phystech all time revise the educational programs and educational plans and are not behind the time. The students get extended knowledge in the areas of support of decision making and research of deals (Data Mining), methods of machine learning and artificial intellect (Machine Learning), nonlinear analysis, quantum informatics. The knowledge in computer subjects, obtained at IPT, is sufficient for successfully work at IT-firms. There are a lot of examples – a few years ago Microsoft conducted a competitive selection among students of Ukraine for collaboration. Among 10 students, which passed a competitive selection, were 6 students of IPT. They worked in Copenhagen, prepared and protected Master of Science thesise, some of the still work there. Graduates become developers of technologies and means of modelling, work in a leading companies with a strong research potential, in IT-firms, international corporations “Samsung”, “Microsoft”, “Cisco”, “EPAM Systems”, “Luxsoft”, and also create and lead
own firms (“Infosafe IT”, “”).
The youth with a mathematical way of thinking, inclined to system research and analytics, will find applications of their abilities. For it they will obtain a powerful basis at a level of classical universities. Thanks to collaboration with Institute of mathematics, Institute of space research, Cybernetical centre of NAS of Ukraine they quickly protect thesise, seek their place in live, being equipped with highest qualification. Graduates defend their thesise and work not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, for example in world-famous institute of Max Planck (Germany), work there and are famous mathematicians in Ukraine. Here is a citation from article of Oleksandr Rozhen in a weekly paper “Dzerkalo tyzhnia” №33, 06, вересень 2008
“Also would like to point, that and Vlasenko, and Mellit, and Rybak studied not at faculty mechanics and mathematics in National university name Shevchenko, but in faculty of physics and technology in KPI.
— But for mathematician to study at phystech is somehow not suits. Mathematicians always ironically perceive mathematics from physicists. They consider it not very clean…
—And at this time in National technical university in phystech is a serious school of mathematics. It confirmed with a level of students-graduates
— Mellit went to Ph. D. studies into Institute of mathematics of M. Planck Society, where successfully works on a topic leveled like a Fields prize. Those people are completely necessary for a country. And to treat them one has attentively and carefully. There are people truly outstanding, which an every university would like to invite. We cannot throw these talents. For them academy has to create special conditions.”